
Shiina Ringo - SG and AT Scans

Here are the scans of my copies of Sanmon Gossip and Ariamaru Tomi that (finally) arrived yesterday. Let me tell you what a pain in the behind it was to scan these, because everything is so pale and my scanner isn't that great.

Sanmon Gossip
Download (13 JPG)

Ariamaru Tomi
Download (4 JPG)


  1. Thank you very much!
    The scans are great!
    The link of Ariamaru Tomi are incorrect, but i found the correct one on your's shared files on mediafire.

  2. This blog is amazing! thank you very much for all the material! Please keep on posting!

  3. Thanks for the heads-up Felipe! I knew I uploaded it twice and probably deleted the one I shouldn't ahah. Thanks for the comments guys :)
