
Shiina Ringo - 2009.08.26 - Seiteki Healing 4

Here are all the PVs from the Seiteki Healing 4 DVD, including the alternative PV for "Irokoizata". I don't know how long they will stay on YouTube tho, so this post risks getting useless in the future, I guess. Enjoy!

旬 (Shun)

Video was removed from YouTube.

流行 (Ryuukou)

Video was removed from YouTube.

色恋沙汰 (Irokoizata)

Video was removed from YouTube.

色恋沙汰 (Irokoizata) Alternative

Video was removed from YouTube.
To access this alternative PV you must change the video angle during the normal "Irokoizata" PV.

ありあまる富 (Ariamaru Tomi)

Video was removed from YouTube.

都合のいい身体 (Tsugou no Ii Karada)

Video was removed from YouTube.

丸の内サディスティック (EXPO Ver.) (Marunouchi Sadistic)

Video was removed from YouTube.


  1. thanks for your info...
    i never know that there's alternative version for 色恋沙汰 (Irokoizata)...

  2. How do you change the video angle?!? O_O

  3. In almost all DVD players there's a "Angle" button in the remote, so that's what you have to press :)

  4. I would kill to be an animator on a Shiina Ringo video.
